#todaysconclusions 31/10/14

Thinking the gym is paying off, then realising your forearm is bigger because its bruised and swollen will make you sad.

Going out for Halloween will save you the hassle of opening the door to small children.

This is essential when you live with a young Frenchman and a white fluffy dog.

The random gifts I receive from the ‘rents every time I go round are getting bigger. This pleases me.

The price of paint (Dulux) is scandalous.

All the best laid plans in the world are scuppered by the wonder that is beer.

Thank the lord its the weekend.

Waiting for the 2nd Nov to come round is taking ages.


#todaysconclusions 10/08/14

Some decisions in life you don’t want to do but you have to do them.

These decisions suck.

No matter what new toy you get your dog. He will always revert back to his fav…the tennis ball.

Dogs know when you are down and will use their wet noses and ability to sit on your lap to pick you up.

Cooking is a great distraction.

I do make a fabulous Spag Bol and I need to make it more often.

Lighting a couple of candles when I’m sitting with Alfred makes me look a tad fruity.

I should draw my curtains.
